Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Finger Shoes

I finally bought the Five Fingers shoes that I've been stalking for the past few months. Had they been purple I would have bought them a while ago, but since they were an inferior color I waited until I could actually use them, being post baby and all.

The guy that I bought them from said that I would need to break myself into them. So I decided to wear them all day today and see how they felt. Ouch. Nine hours later I was hur-ting. By then I was pretty annoyed at these shoes. They look like they should be super comfy and I guess at first they are. Then you walk outside with them for a while, so that you cannot return them, and then they hurt. I know my feet will get used to them but I am sure glad to not be wearing them right now.

I have heard the argument that these shoes are supposed to make you run the way your body was designed to run: barefoot. In doing so you avoid injury and can improve the health of other parts of your body. But it hurts.

Well, that's the idea isn't it? It always hurts. It hurts as you become more and more what you were designed to be. God's "ultimate intention" (great book by Devern Fromke by the way) is for us to be like his Son, a brother to him. I just checked and I have a long way to go. The beautiful thing is that he continually provides ways for us to grow to be more like Jesus. It's how we respond to these opportunities that matters. Do we take the shoes back and opt for the cooshie comfy ones? Or do we hit the trail and know that in the end we will be stronger and more prepared for the next challenge. No pain, no gain. It doesn't get any simpler.

Therefore, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:1-3

Whatever God is trying to work out in our lives by allowing trials to come cannot compare to what Jesus had to endure. He was murdered by people for whom he lived, for whom he sacrificed his life. And his response: "forgive them, father, for they know not what they do."

And I have a hard enough time just respecting my husband, or my children. And I have a hard time giving my time to someone else, forgiving without an apology, allowing someone to treat me like crap because they are hurting, choosing to not be offended by the offensive. In very small ways when God gives us the grace to do these things we are losing our lives, the right to ourselves. And we can forgive as we go, as Christ did. It hurts, yes, but we do it because Jesus did it and for the reason Jesus did it. He did it for the joy set before him; the joy of pleasing his Father. Serious joy comes, I feel it every time. Thank you, God. Most people don't get to the joy because they don't want the hurt. I'll have another helping of hurt, please, because in the end I get to rest in the peace and joy of my God.

So tomorrow I run in my shoes...