There is one criticism about Christianity I have heard, even from my friends, that has had me thinking. And you have heard it, too, and might even agree with it. The criticism concerns the claim of the Christian faith that the only way to God is through Christ. For people who do not understand the faith or the nature of God, I understand the criticism; it seems intolerant and exclusive, especially if God is all-loving. But it's still not a fair one, because many world religions claim that their way is the only way, including Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism. So why just pick on Christianity?
My real issue with this criticism is when it comes from a Christian. I will admit that I have thought the very thing, "this is my way, it might not be everyone's way, but it's my way." And I see now how false that is. It just cannot be true. It is either the way or it's not.
The source of these thoughts is the postmodern concept of spiritual relativism where "truth" becomes subjective. What's true for me might not be true for you, and thus, there can be many ways to God. But that does not make logical sense. How can truth be relative?
But in reality, it all comes down to who Christ is. He either is who he said he is or he's not. It's that simple.
If Jesus is who he said he is and the argument is made that he is the Christ for you but not for everyone then that makes a complete mockery of his life.
If a Christian said they believed that Jesus was God made man, his life being a representation of the love and nature of God, then how could that person then say that Jesus was only right for him? It just doesn't make sense. Christ either suffered to reunite us with God or he didn't and his suffering was useless. If he was not who he said he was, then fine (yeah right) my life (and the world) is still better for me believing it. But if it is true then it has to be THE truth and THE way.
Here are some words about who Christ is, all from the Gospel of John:
"In him was life and that life was the light of men." John 1:4
"... full of grace and truth." John 1:14
"...the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." John 1:29
"For God did not send his Son to the world to condemn the world but to save it through him." John 3:17
"He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him." John 1:11
Jesus lived a life serving others because he loved them. He is good and he took the bad from us by his death to make us good, too. Now we can know God, through what Christ did and learn to be like him.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
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